LogMeIn (NASDAQ: LOGM) is a suite of software services that provides remote access to computers over the Internet. The various product versions are designed for both end users and professional help desk personnel.
LogMeIn comprises a number of different product, including a free remote access product, LogMeIn Free.
LogMeIn Pro2 and LogMeIn Free provide end users remote desktop access with optional remote sound, file management, printer access, and online chat features through a web browser. The LogMeIn Ignition product is an optional add-on that provides access without a web browser. Several features like secondary user and group management were stripped off after LogMeIn Central was introduced, forcing users who need those features to pay for LogMeIn Central.
LogMeIn Ignition for iPhone and iPod touch provides fast, one-click access to your LogMeIn computers, directly from an Apple iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. It is available through the Apple app store.
LogMeIn Central is a web-based management console that provides small businesses and the IT professionals that support them with an easy, secure and cost effective way to deliver remote computer access, provide ongoing systems management and network their users and computers.
LogMeIn IT Reach is a system admin tool to help IT professionals maintain computers remotely. With the release of LogMeIn Central and LogMeIn Pro2, LogMeIn's next generation solutions for remote access and systems management, LogMeIn IT Reach is no longer available to new customers. LogMeIn will continue to support existing IT Reach customers and assist them with their transition to the new products over time.
LogMeIn Rescue provides professional help desk personnel remote access to fix problems on an end user's desktop machine. The optional LogMeIn Rescue+Mobile is an add-on that provides remote support to mobile devices.
LogMeIn Hamachi2 is a separate product that provides instant VPN access. See Hamachi.
LogMeIn Backup is a separate product that provides an online backup service.
LogMeIn Express allows you to share your screen with someone else, without the need for an account. Users must approve remote control before the viewer may take it
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