Many peoples often forgot their windows login password. I have a good method to reset password without formatting.
Download Hiren’s BootCD from the following link the download links should be at the bottom of the page
– Boot the computer from Hiren’s BootCD
Normally, the BIOS screen tells you the keyboard key you need to press to change the boot order, on most computers is F9 or F12 but yours might be different, so watch out for that on the boot-up menu.
once you boot from the CD, Hiren BootCD startup page should look like this:
scroll down and choose Mini Windows XP from the menu. your computer should start booting:
Once on the desktop, it should look like this:
click on the BootCD WinTools diskettes icon.
that should bring the tools menu.
from the menu choose, Password/Keys > Password Renew:
that should bring the renew password utility:
on the right, click on Select a target button:
that should bring the Windows directory. on the C: drive, select the Windows directory:
click on OK. now the directory path should look like this:
on the select task menu click on Renew existing user account:
the Renew existing user password window will come up.
on this window type the New Password and then Confirm password and then click on the Install button on the left panel.
you should get a notification confirming the account password has been changed:
close out of everything and reboot your computer in normal mode. your administrator password should now be changed.
I have tested this procedure on Windows XP Windows Vista and Windows 7 and it works fine, so if yours somehow does not work, go back through the steps again and make sure you have not missed any
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